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"Whilst more information might be present from more sources, that does not mean that wider positions or perspectives are being shared — it can also mean pathologies and prejudices can be communicated in more diverse ways." Allison MOORE / Paul REYNOLDS - Childhood and sexuality - Contemporary issues and debates, p. 212

Waarden en seksualiteit

Jongeren en seks

De seksuele ontwikkeling van jongeren

Albert MOLL (1912) The sexual life of the child

Alayne YATES (1978) Sex without shame - Encouraging the child's healthy sexual development

Neil POSTMAN (1994) The disappearance of childhood

Theo G. M. SANDFORT / Jany RADEMAKERS (2000) Childhood sexuality - Normal sexual behavior and development

Judith LEVINE (2002) Harmful to minors - The perils of protecting children from sex

Hanneke DE GRAAF e.a. (2005) Seks onder je 25ste (2005) - Definitieve resultaten

Kristin LUKER (2006) When sex goes to school - Warring views on sex and sex education since the sixties

Hanneke DE GRAAF e.a. (2007) Tienerseks - Vormen van instrumentele seks onder tieners

George ROUSSEAU (2007) Children and sexuality from the Greeks to the Great War

Lisette KUYPER e.a. (2009) Laat je nu horen - Een onderzoek naar grensoverschrijdende seksuele ervaringen en gedragingen onder jongeren

Marianne CENSE / Lieke van DIJK (2010) Niet zomaar seks - Jongeren over seks en grenzen

Kerry COHEN e.a. (2011) Dirty little secrets - Breaking the silence on teenage girls and promiscuity

Hanneke DE GRAAF e.a. (2012) Seks onder je 25ste - Seksuele gezondheid van jongeren in Nederland anno 2012

Hanneke DE GRAAF e.a. (2016) Hoe denken kinderen van 9 tot en met 12 jaar over seks?

Hanneke DE GRAAF e.a. (2017) Seks onder je 25ste - Seksuele gezondheid van jongeren in Nederland anno 2017

Marianne CENSE (2018) Verklaringen voor een latere seksuele start

Allison MOORE / Paul REYNOLDS (2018) Childhood and sexuality - Contemporary issues and debates


James R. KINCAID (1998) Erotic innocence - The culture of child molesting

Valerie WALKERDINE (1999) "Violent Boys and Precocious Girls: regulating childhood at the end of the millennium"

Debra MERSKIN (2004) "Reviving Lolita? - A Media Literacy Examination of Sexual Portrayals of Girls in Fashion Advertising"

Emma RUSH / Andrea LA NAUZE (2006a) Corporate Paedophilia - Sexualisation of children in Australia

Emma RUSH / Andrea LA NAUZE (2006b) Letting Children Be Children - Stopping the sexualisation of children in Australia

Emma RUSH (2007) "Adult world must let girls be girls"

Meenakshi Gigi DURHAM (2008) The Lolita Effect - The media sexualization of young girls and what we can do about it

R. Danielle EGAN / Gail HAWKES (2008) "Girls, sexuality and the strange carnalities of advertisements - Deconstructing the Discourse of Corporate Paedophilia"

R. Danielle EGAN / Gail L. HAWKES (2008) "Endangered Girls and Incendiary Objects: Unpacking the Discourse on Sexualization"

Gail HAWKES / R. Danielle EGAN (2008) "Landscapes of Erotophobia: The Sexual(ized) Child in the Postmodern Anglophone West"

Diane E. LEVIN / Jean KILBOURNE (2008) So sexy so soon - The new sexualized childhood and what parents can do to protect their kids

R. Danielle EGAN / Gail HAWKES (2009) "The problem with protection: Or, why we need to move towards recognition and the sexual agency of children"

Sharna OLFMAN (2009) The sexualization of childhood

R. Danielle EGAN / Gail HAWKES (2010) Theorizing the sexual child in modernity

Julie GALE (2011) "Sexualisation of children and young teens"

Bethany WEBBER (2011) "Concerns about children’s sexuality: what they reveal about adults’ concepts of childhood"

Liza TSALIKI (2016) Children and the politics of sexuality - The sexualization of children debate revisited

Catherine Page JEFFERY (2018) "Too sexy too soon, or just another moral panic - Sexualization Australian media 2004–2015"


Vladimir NABOKOV (1955, 1991) The Annotated Lolita - Revised and updated

Simone de BEAUVOIR (1960) Brigitte Bardot and the Lolita Syndrome

Michel FOUCAULT (1978) "The Danger of Child Sexuality"

Tom O'CARROLL (1980) Paedophilia – The radical case

Edward BRONGERSMA (1986) Loving boys - A multidisciplinary study of sexual relations between adult and minor males - Vol.1

Edward BRONGERSMA (1990) Loving boys - A multidisciplinary study of sexual relations between adult and minor males - Vol.2

Steven ANGELIDES (2003) "Historicizing affect, psychoanalyzing history - Pedophilia and the discourse of child sexuality"

David L. RIEGEL (2004) "Pedophilia, pejoration, and prejudice: Inquiry by insinuation, argument by accusation"

Mike McINTYRE (2008) Devil among us - How Canada failed to stop a pedophile

Sarah WEINMAN (2018) The Real Lolita - The Kidnapping Of Sally Horner And The Novel That Scandalized The World

Geweld en misbruik

Judith Lewis HERMAN (1981, 2000) Father-daughter incest - With a new afterword

Allie C. KILPATRICK (1992) Long-range effects of child and adolescent sexual experiences - Myths, mores, and menaces

Frederick CREWS (1995) The memory wars - Freud's legacy in dispute

Michael KING (ed.) (1999) Moral agendas for children's welfare

Linda G. MILLS (2003) Insult to injury - Rethinking our responses to intimate abuse

Hannah FORD (2006) Women who sexually abuse children

Susan A. CLANCY (2009) The trauma myth - The truth about the sexual abuse of children and its aftermath

Kenneth M. ADAMS (2011) Silently seduced - When parents make their children partners

Barry MALETZKY (2016) Sexual abuse and the sexual offender - Common man or monster?

NATIONAAL RAPPORTEUR MSGK (2016) Ontucht voor de rechter

NATIONAAL RAPPORTEUR MSGK (2018) Slachtoffermonitor Seksueel Geweld Tegen Kinderen 2016


Laura KIPNIS (2017) Unwanted advances - Sexual paranoia comes to campus

Joseph J. FISCHEL (2019) Screw consent - A better politics of sexual justice

Kate GLEESON / Catharine LUMBY (2019) The age of consent - Young people, sexual abuse and agency


Sabine K. WITTING (2019) "Regulating bodies: the moral panic of child sexuality in the digital era"