"If we look for studies of the actual material, the kiddie porn itself, we find nothing, since it is against the law to look at what may exist, much less own it. The distinguished sex researcher Vern L. Bullough reports somewhat wryly on how it is that we are kept from knowing anything at all about what we know so much about, and recounts the sad stories of a few professors who tried to do research in the subject and found themselves arrested for their pains." James R. KINCAID - Erotic innocence - The culture of child molesting, p. 171
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R. Danielle EGAN / Gail L. HAWKES (2008) "Endangered Girls and Incendiary Objects: Unpacking the Discourse on Sexualization"
Gail HAWKES / R. Danielle EGAN (2008) "Landscapes of Erotophobia: The Sexual(ized) Child in the Postmodern Anglophone West"
R. Danielle EGAN / Gail HAWKES (2009) "The problem with protection: Or, why we need to move towards recognition and the sexual agency of children"
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