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"It is part of a perspective that looks backwards to a golden age of moral certainties from which there has been only moral decline, in which people — especially the young — can no longer tell the difference between right and wrong. The remedy prescribed is a return to a basic set of rules, in the style of the Ten Commandments, which can be taught in families and schools." Kenneth THOMPSON - Moral panics, p. 4

Waarden en seksualiteit

Sociaal en cultureel

Moral panics

Ernest A. BELL ea (1910) Fighting the traffic in young girls - or war on the white slave trade

Estelle B. FREEDMAN (1987) "Uncontrolled Desires: The Response to the Sexual Psychopath, 1920-1960"

Kenneth THOMPSON (1998) Moral panics

Frank FUREDI (2002) Paranoid parenting - Why ignoring the experts may be best for your child

Jessica VALENTI (2009) The purity myth - How America’s obsession with virginity is hurting young women

Carol DYHOUSE (2013) Girl trouble - Panic and progress in the history of young women

Breanne FAHS e.a. (2013) The moral panics of sexuality

Shayla THIEL-STERN (2014) From the dance hall to Facebook - Teen girls, mass media, and moral panic in the United States, 1905–2010

Sharon R. MAZZARELLA (2020) Girls, moral panic, and news media - Troublesome Bodies