"The only possible prevention lies in the development of a positive, enthusiastic approach to children’s sexuality. The roots of all dysfunctions extend back to early childhood, and even in the first year of their lives, we shape our children’s capacity for pleasure . The sex drive is singularly vulnerable. It can be diverted, elaborated, constricted, or squelched. We need to understand and nourish the wellsprings of eroticism." Alayne YATES - Sex without shame - Encouraging the child's healthy sexual development, p. 17
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Hanneke DE GRAAF e.a. (2012) Seks onder je 25ste - Seksuele gezondheid van jongeren in Nederland anno 2012
Hanneke DE GRAAF e.a. (2016) Hoe denken kinderen van 9 tot en met 12 jaar over seks?
Hanneke DE GRAAF e.a. (2017) Seks onder je 25ste - Seksuele gezondheid van jongeren in Nederland anno 2017
Marianne CENSE (2018) Verklaringen voor een latere seksuele start