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Notities bij boeken

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Incididunt nisi non nisi incididunt velit cillum magna commodo proident officia enim.


Geschiedenis van de computertechniek

Paul E. CERUZZI (1983) Reckoners - The prehistory of the digital computer, from relays to the stored program concept, 1935-1945

An WANG (1986) Lessen - De autobiografie van de vader van de tekstverwerker (oorspr. titel Lessons. An autobiography)

Douglas COUPLAND (1996) Microslaven

Scott McCARTNEY (1999) ENIAC - The triumphs and tragedies of the world's first computer

Paul FREIBERGER / Michael SWAINE (2000) Fire in the Valley - The making of the personal computer

Edwin BLACK (2001) IBM en de Holocaust - Het strategisch verbond tussen Nazi-Duitsland en de machtigste onderneming van Amerika (oorspr. titel: IBM and the Holocaust)

Linus TORVALDS (2001) Gewoon voor de fun (oorspr. titel: Just for fun)

Christian WURSTER (2002) Computers - An illustrated history

John AGAR (2003) The government machine - A revolutionary history of the computer

Paul E. CERUZZI (2003) A History of Modern Computing - Second edition

Gordon LAING (2004) Digital Retro - The evolution and design of the personal computer

David Alan GRIER (2005) When computers were human

Mike HALLY (2005) Electronic brains - Stories from the dawn of the computer age

Nicholas CARR (2008) The big switch - Rewiring the world, from Edison to Google