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Notities bij boeken

Start Filosofie Kennis Normatieve rationaliteit Waarden in de praktijk Mens en samenleving Techniek


Incididunt nisi non nisi incididunt velit cillum magna commodo proident officia enim.


De informatiesamenleving


CCC-AMMANN e.a. (1988) Het Chaos Computer Boek

Clifford STOLL (1989) Het koekoeksei - Over krakers en computerspionage

Katie HAFNER / John MARKOFF (1991) Cyberpunk - Outlaws and hackers on the computer frontier

Bruce STERLING (1992) The hacker crackdown - Law and disorder on the electronic frontier

Pekka HIMANEN (2001) The hacker ethic

Eric S. RAYMOND (2001) The cathedral and the bazaar

Douglas THOMAS (2002) Hacker Culture

Paul GRAHAM (2004) Hacker and Painters

Steven BRANIGAN (2005) High-tech crimes revealed

Kevin D. MITNICK / William L. SIMON (2005) The art of intrusion - The real stories behind the exploits of hackers, intruders and deceivers

Steven LEVY (2010) Hackers - Heroes of the computer revolution

Joseph MENN (2019) Cult Of The Dead Cow - How The Original Hacking Supergroup Might Just Save the World

Jeremy N. SMITH (2019) Breaking And entering - The extraordinary story of a hacker called 'alien'