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Notities bij boeken

Start Filosofie Kennis Normatieve rationaliteit Waarden in de praktijk Mens en samenleving Techniek


Incididunt nisi non nisi incididunt velit cillum magna commodo proident officia enim.

Artificiële intelligentie

Humanoïde robots

Thomas M. GEORGES (2003) Digital soul - Intelligent machines and human values

Finn BOWRING (2003) Science, seeds and cyborgs - Biotechnology and the appropriation of life

Janna LEVIN (2006) A madman dreams of Turing machines

Steve TALBOTT (2007) Devices of the soul - Battling for our selves in an age of machines

Wendell WALLACH-Colin ALLEN (2009) Moral machines - Teaching robots right from wrong

Brian CHRISTIAN (2011) The most human human