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Start Filosofie Kennis Normatieve rationaliteit Waarden in de praktijk Mens en samenleving Techniek


Incididunt nisi non nisi incididunt velit cillum magna commodo proident officia enim.

Artificiële Intelligentie

Geschiedenis van de AI

Rodney A. BROOKS (1999) Cambrian Intelligence - The early history of the new AI

Gaby WOOD (2002) Living dolls - A magical history of the quest for mechanical life

Daniel CREVIER (2003) AI - The tumultuous history of the search for artificial intelligence

Pamela McCORDUCK (2004) Machines who think - A personal inquiry into the history and prospects of Artificial Intelligence

Margaret A. BODEN (2006) Mind as Machine - A history of cognitive science (eerste stuk)

Margaret A. BODEN (2006) Mind as Machine - A history of cognitive science (tweede stuk)

Nils J. NILSSON (2010) The quest for artificial intelligence - A history of ideas and achievements