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Notities bij boeken

Start Filosofie Kennis Normatieve rationaliteit Waarden in de praktijk Mens en samenleving Techniek


Incididunt nisi non nisi incididunt velit cillum magna commodo proident officia enim.

Techniek en verantwoordelijkheid

Informatie- en computerethiek

Donald A. NORMAN (1993) Things that make us smart - Defending human attributes in the age of the machine

Donald A. NORMAN (1999) The invisible computer - Why good products can fail, the personal computer is so complex, and information appliances are the solution

James H. MOOR / Terrell Ward BYNUM (2002) Cyberphilosophy - The intersection of computing and philosophy

Jos de MUL (2002) Filosofie in cyberspace - Reflecties op de informatie- en communicatietechnologie

Luciano FLORIDI (2010) The Cambridge Handbook of Information and Computer Ethics

Thomas J. MISA (ed.) (2010) Gender codes - Why women are leaving computing

Miriam RASCH (2020) Frictie - Ethiek in tijden van dataïsme