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Gelezen in 2012

[26 november 2012]
Christopher BUTLER (2002)
Postmodernism – A very short introduction
[23 november 2012]
Sharna OLFMAN (2009)
The sexualization of childhood
[19 november 2012]
Naomi WOLF (1991 / 2002)
The beauty myth - How images of beauty are used against women
[23 oktober 2012]
Gordon L. PATZER (2008)
Looks – Why they matter more than you ever imagined
[4 oktober 2012]
Jena PINCOTT (2008)
Do gentlemen really prefer blondes? Bodies, behaviour, and brains - The science behind sex, love, and attraction
[2 oktober 2012]
Ayala PINES (1999)
Falling in love – Why we choose the lovers we choose
[30 september 2012]
Albert MOLL (1912)
The sexual life of the child
[28 september 2012]
Erik OLIN WRIGHT (2010)
Envisioning real utopia's
[18 september 2012]
Bennie MOLS (2012)
Turings tango – Waarom de mens de computer de baas blijft
[25 augustus 2012]
George ROUSSEAU (2007)
Children and sexuality – From the Greeks to the Great War
[30 juni 2012]
James MCCONNACHIE (2010)
Sex – The worlds favorite pastime
[14 juni 2012]
R. H. VAN GULIK (1961)
Sexual life in ancient China - A preliminary survey of Chinese sex and society from ca. 1500 BC till 1644 AD
[28 mei 2012]
Arthur GOLDEN (1997)
Memoirs of a geisha
[8 mei 2012]
Naomi WOLF (1998)
Promiscuities – A secret history of female desire
[20 april 2012]
Margaret MEAD (1928)
Coming of age in Samoa - A study of adolescence and sex in primitive societies