Incididunt nisi non nisi incididunt velit cillum magna commodo proident officia enim.
Vooralsnog alleen samenvattingen op papier.
Hans-Georg GADAMER (1960, 1975/4) Wahrheit und Methode - Grundzüge einer philosophischen Hermeneutik
Josef BLEICHER (1980) Contemporary hermeneutics - Hermeneutics as method, philosophy and critique
John C. MALLERY e.a. (1986) Hermeneutics - From textual explication to computer understanding
Jean GRONDIN (2009) Hermeneutik
Karl MANNHEIM (1929, 1936) Ideology and Utopia - An introduction to the sociology of knowledge
Stuart H. HUGHES (1958, 1961) Consciousness and society - The reorientation of european social thought
Michael POLANYI (1958) Personal knowledge - Towards a post-critical philosophy
Allan JANIK / Stephen TOULMIN (1973) Wittgenstein's Vienna
A.C. ZIJDERVELD (1974) De relativiteit van kennis en werkelijkheid - Inleiding tot de kennissociologie
Bruno LATOUR (1987) Science in action - How to follow scientists and engineers through society
André J. F. KÖBBEN (2003) Het gevecht met de engel - Over verheffende en minder verheffende aspecten van het wetenschapsbedrijf
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Alfred Jules AYER (1936) Language, truth and logic
A.J. AYER (ed.) (1959) Logical positivism
Th. W. ADORNO ea (1969) Der Positivismusstreit in der Deutschen Soziologie
B.F. SKINNER (1971) Beyond freedom and dignity
Christopher POTTER (2009) You are here - A portable history of the universe
Ben GOLDACRE (2009) Bad science
RAAD VOOR VOLKSGEZONDHEID EN SAMENLEVING(2017) Zonder context geen bewijs - Over de illusie van evidence-based practice in de zorg
Vooralsnog alleen samenvattingen op papier.
Karl R. POPPER (1934, 1959) The logic of scientific discovery
Karl R. POPPER (1957, 1972) The poverty of historicism
Karl R. POPPER (1962) Conjectures and refutations - The growth of scientific knowledge
Christian MADSBJERG (2017) Sensemaking - The power of the humanities in the age of the algorithm